Loving the new RME soundcard and Totalmix DSP, routing is mightily well implemented and the included DIGIcheck software tis nearly worth the price of the yolk itself. Input wise I’ve done some research into how to make the best use of the digital I/O’s on the 9632 card. I’ve only ever used an ADAT in my studio and so havent had to look in to this before (when using more than one digital device clocking becomes an issue). I had thought of picking up the digital expansion output for my Trackmaster channel strip but at 165 squid a pop its seems abit much so I went looking for alternative AD converters. Unfortunately there’s very little available in the converter line these days, which is odd as alot of interfaces come with SPDIF/ADAT inputs. Someone on the SOS forums suggested I look for an old minidisk/DAT rack on the classifieds as even if the minidisk recorder itself is broken very often the converter still works. Otherwise I might go for a consumer grade converter on ebay such as one of these yolks – very cheap and if the clocking is good it should do the trick. I can make use of the other input with a cheap pre-amp, maybe one of the new Alesis half racks. Supposedly with budget tube preamps you can replace the default tube for only a few bucks to improve the quality of the added ‘warmth’. 12 mic in’s is plenty for my studio needs thou, enough to record a drum kit with two mics each on the kick and snare.
I had a change of heart re: the online store I’m building for WB. I might end up going the Bandcamp route. Although the design can’t be customized much the shop and player functionality is solid and the framework is responsive. Its only 10 bucks a month for the Pro account although they do take a 10% cut from Merch sales, 15% for digital files. There’s alot more work involved in setting up my own (using the Woo Commerce plugin) then again as I already use this as go-to-shop-template for client websites maybe I’m better off sticking with it as it will improve my general knowledge of it. Six of one half a dozen of the other. I’ll do abit more research into Bandcamp before choosing with to go with.