Got the outline sketches finished for the second last Enter the Dragon storyboard scene. Only two more pages to go after that. Getting thru the storyboards took me alot longer than planned due in part to commission priorities and to the difficulty of the drawing work itself. I really struggled with the middle section. I lost the drive and enthusiasm for the project but now having nearly got to the end I find myself getting more excited about the video and the possibilities of building upon and improving certain sections . There’s eighteen pages altogether containing 72 individual panels, some more detailed than others. As this is my first time working on a storyboard I did’nt know how far I should go with the shading. In future I should be able to speed up this process. Simple quick sketches with bolder lines often had far more expression than carefully built up images.
The fifth electro tune (from the forthcoming album/set) is moving along slowly but surely. Added in a few more 8-bit computer sounds and percussion. I still haven’t found the main hook melody/rhythm yet thou I did come up with an idea for the poster that I think could fit the vibe of the tune and be fun to do: an eighties cartoon sci-fi villan – Some sort of cheesy medieval space fantasy combo. Have often found having an image sorted for a track helps a good bit with defining the sound.