Had a nice relaxing Easter with me mah.   Saw Un prophèt last week, thought it twas excellent – cracker score by Mr. Desplat (as usual).  Also saw the new one by the makers of Napolean Dynamite ‘Gentlemen Bronco’, it got slated on rotten tomatoes but…

Wasn’t quite feeling the force on the latest two tracks, for week 5 (blue bay) and 6 (the road) so I’ve started re-writing them, the lyrics were all right but the melody wasn’t strong enough in either song.  Blue bay has morphed into Fisherman’s blues…

Had a few run thrus of the five new tracks with dermot playin drums along side.  Its gonna take a good few sessions for him to get used to all the unusual pauses I have on some of the tracks.  Some of the fills he…

Short week with the long weekend in Manchester and paddys day.  Finishin off latest solo track ‘blue bay’, thou most likely wont have it finished by open mic thursday. Twill push it back till next week. That’ll be 5 down 5 to go.  Album demo…

Gonna be rolling out a good few changes to the interaction on the website. I’ve been rebuilding the home page to include a wordpress blog so there will be space for comments, better search and organisation of posts. This is part of the plan to…

Spent most of yesterday finishing the lyrics to Monster.The goal is to write and perform a new song each week and by the end of June to pick out the strongest and re-arrange and record to a ten track album. Three down, seven to go. …

Having recently played a few of my own tunes down at the local open mic I’ve been smitten with the songwriting buzz. I’ve let it get too long since being in front of the mic again, too much studio time not enough live. I got…

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