All Portfolio Posts


INFO: 2012/2017, mp3 single, unreleased With Fat Controller I wanted to make a tune that was more up-beat than my usual fare and hopefully something that was catchy enough to dance too. I wrote the first version in 2012 and although I was happy enough…

INFO: 2017, digital painting Another silly concept I had (the idea that a hardened grim comic book character like Judge Dredd was’nt immune to buying uneccessary stuff from the middle isle of a supermarket) that I probably regretted once I started working on it due…

INFO: 2017, digital painting Like most kids born in the 80’s I have alot of nostalgic love for the fantasy/sci-fi movies I grew up with. I thought the idea of showing what one of the characters from those movies was doing now, after all these…

INFO: 2017, digital painting This was one of the first paintings I made to accompany the compositions I was writing/orchestrating based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales collection. This particular story was called Mother Trudy. It used a few older reference photos I had taken…

INFO: 2016, digital painting The reference photo for this was the newly constructed wier/swimming pool area in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny. Like the previous painting I wanted to visualize an English expression and/or play on words. Critique: I made the dark areas too black – there…


Compositions & orchestrations based on the classic children’s fairy tales 2014 – 2024. Having always had a love of fairy tales as a child growing up I decided to make use of the Brothers Grimm tales as a basis upon which I could practice composing…

INFO: 2016, digital painting Another idea I came up with while walking the dogs up the fields behind my fathers house. I thought it would be interesting to imagine what a blue devil would look like if it was taken to be a creature instead…

Wax Botanical - Monster lino cut

INFO: demo, 2016, mp3 single, unreleased This turned out to be a bigger project than I had planned for at the time especially with the few special effect and slow motion shots. I also had to do more work with the color grading afterwards to…

INFO: 2016, digital painting This was a silly idea I came up with while walking to the shops. I used a reference photo from outside a shopping center on the Dublin road in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny (where I lived at the time). Critique: The figure…

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