Folk art

INFO: 2022, digital painting Another painting that took longer to do than I expected. The abstract cave walls needed alot of trial and error both in shape and tone. Critique: the gradient cat reflection does’nt really fit with the flat style of the rest of…

INFO: 2021, digital painting My second attempt at a painting based on the Brother’s Grimm story The Three Gifts. As mentioned before I didn’t like the undefined style I used the first time round. I tried to make this version more 2D and geometric. I…

INFO: 2018, digital painting Yet another painting based on a story (The Three Gifts) from the collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and part of the larger composition project. Critique: This was a messy confusion of styles (should be less realism and more…

INFO: 2018, digital painting This was another painting based on a story (The Star Talers) from the collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and part of the larger composition project I’ve been working on since 2014. Critique: The global contrast worked out quite…

INFO: 2017, digital painting This was one of the first paintings I made to accompany the compositions I was writing/orchestrating based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tales collection. This particular story was called Mother Trudy. It used a few older reference photos I had taken…