First jam session with rory on the keys went down real well. There’s a whole bunch of different directions we can take with the material now that there’s an extra pair of melodic hands on board. The talented and diversified chap he is, he also plays a few other instruments so we’ll definitley be making use of that in the next few jams by trying the melody and/or rhythms out in different sections. Having the practice up in his studio/live room was handy too as we could play loud right into the night and as it was dermots first time using a more conventional kit set-up with the songs he made full use of all the toms. Its amazing what alot more volume can do to change how you play a song.
I’ve also started on building a customized MIDI keyboard for Rory to use. The above pic is a keyboard I’ve takin apart. It’s gonna take some planning but the new case will be built around a wooden and perspex frame with door handels and whatever else I can find fitted as dials :D It should better match the image the band is going for; quirky, homemade but also tough enough for gigs and easy to carry. I Should be getting my course material in the post this week, lookin forward to getting stuck in to more advanced orchestration.