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Nice chillaxed bank holiday with the family but back to business this eve to make up for the short week ahead. Got a solo gig in Fennelly’s in Callan next Saturday alongside Rory with his electronic tricks and another band from dubland. Tis fancy dress and all but not too sure what I’ll do yet for the occasion. I started on the forth revision of ‘end these ways’ during the week and hopefully Ill have time to finish it in time for the gig. I changed about the rhythm (again!) and came up with a different chorus and finish verse. The original plan was to do only three revisions of each tune but seems needs may require more and I’m happy to keep at it if it improves the overall set. Speaking of sets having got the new soundcard I’m hoping to juggle about the weeks schedule to allow me more time for working on the electronic tracks. Things have slowed up abit on that front ever since I started on the Craft school site commission. If I can get enough done by xmas the plan is still to have a solo and band live electronic set ready for summer 2011.