Gawd dang, but that was alot of time spent staring at pixels in front of Photoshop this week, got purdy strung out a few of the evenins. On the plus side got things wrapped up for the Stag and Deer There There project; brochure, poster, adverts and PDF. Also finished off online store for Balief Farm Foods. Met up with the owners during the week, very nice folk altogether, just the products and Paypal test to help them set up now. Started on another online store for a local jeweler semi-based in India called ‘The Lion and the Sun’, kind of a quirky/colorful design brief. Should have the guts of it done by next weekend.
This afternoon I finished off the last chapter of the last course from the selection of subjects I had started over tens months ago! Delighted to be finished, covered lots of ground; XHTML and CSS best practices, advanced Photoshop and Illustrator techniques, WordPress custom themes and photography fundamentals. The last course was on Adobe Premiere, just in time to start testing out shots for the forthcoming music video. They have so many quality courses, twas hard to narrow em down, I’ll probably re-subscribe in another two or three years whenever I can afford to upgrade to the latest versions of PS and IL.
The gig in Ryans went pretty good. There wasn’t that many people there. I thought it was abit sloppy in places but the feedback was very good. The two new songs version seemed to have gone down well two. I decided to hold off on the planned live electro show in November. With the websites I have booked thru till Dec and trying to get the video done I think it’d be abit much especially after how fuppin burnt out I felt durin the week! Will hopefully get another acoustic gig in before the end of the year thou :)