INFO: 2018, mp3 single, unreleased
Back in 2015, when I designed the (below) poster, I had planned to build the track using only (processed) animal noises taken from field recordings after experimenting with a poll I ran on Facebook to see what preference (if any) people might have for how a song was constructed. By the time I got around to writing the track however (in Autumn of 2017) I instead used the string section of a piece I was composing for the Brothers Grimm project as a starting point. The name comes from mixing up a few different Latin words and roughly equates to ‘little by little’. In hindsight, and not knowing better at the time, I made a big mistake with the lighting for the first half of the video – I should have used much more shadows and low light to slowly introduce the masked ancestral figure. I also should have made my own hyperlapse sequence instead of using stock based ones. Some of the camera framing angles were also too flat. Thats said I was pleased with the vibe of the last third of the video. The CGI composite shot ideas I had worked out okay.