INFO: Holly Kearns, Autumn 2017
INFO: Ailish McKeown, Summer 2017
INFO: Orlaith Treacy, Summer 2017, Callan Workhouse Union
INFO: Orlaith Treacy, Summer 2017, Callan Workhouse Union
INFO: Alex Meldrum, Spring 2016, It can be a challenge each year to come up with a fresh idea for the Grennan Mill Graduate show poster but thankfully Alex, the course director, has always been open to me trying new (design) directions. This is…
INFO: Last Minute Minders, Winter 2015, This was one of the few projects I’ve worked on where I felt each of the presented concepts was strong enough to stand on its own. I was particularly happy with the parent/child double ‘N’ elephant idea. The…
INFO: Orlaith Treacy, Summer 2015, This was a booklet layout and cover design I did for Orlaith’s thesis on curation. Having worked with her before on several Occupy Space projects I knew she would have the content very well organized so it just up…
INFO: Jessie Wilkinson, Summer 2015 This was a pretty straightforward project as Jessie had a very good idea of what she wanted. She had plenty of examples of labels she liked aswell as clear points on what she did’nt like so I was able to…
INFO: Breast Cancer Research, Spring 2015, I actually developed a huge amount of concepts for this logo, the most I’ve ever done on a single project – around thirty all together. We experimented with various ideas using DNA stands, hexagons, molecules and the like…