
INFO: 2021, digital painting This took a long time to do – around 110 hours spread over two years. The boat perspective lines and long grasses in the wind proved to be particularly tricky. The printing process itself took some trial and error too as…

INFO: 2019, digital painting A bit of a gloomy concept (a chapter header quote from a Colin Dexter Inspector Morse novel) but also, I thought, kind of Buddhist like – the things and ideas we accumulate in life that arent ultimately very important. The beach…

INFO: 2018, digital painting I seem to come up with most of my painting concept ideas while out walking up the fields around the house/area where I grew up. There was one large field and copse of trees in particular I used to play in…

INFO: 2017, digital painting Another silly concept I had (the idea that a hardened grim comic book character like Judge Dredd was’nt immune to buying uneccessary stuff from the middle isle of a supermarket) that I probably regretted once I started working on it due…

INFO: 2017, digital painting Like most kids born in the 80’s I have alot of nostalgic love for the fantasy/sci-fi movies I grew up with. I thought the idea of showing what one of the characters from those movies was doing now, after all these…

INFO: 2016, digital painting The reference photo for this was the newly constructed wier/swimming pool area in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny. Like the previous painting I wanted to visualize an English expression and/or play on words. Critique: I made the dark areas too black – there…

INFO: 2016, digital painting Another idea I came up with while walking the dogs up the fields behind my fathers house. I thought it would be interesting to imagine what a blue devil would look like if it was taken to be a creature instead…

INFO: 2016, digital painting This was a silly idea I came up with while walking to the shops. I used a reference photo from outside a shopping center on the Dublin road in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny (where I lived at the time). Critique: The figure…