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Had a few pratcice jams with Brian over the weekend.   It was tricky transcribing some of the synth bass lines I had originaly wrote on a keyboard for use on an electric bass.  Some of the stuff was pretty strange – lots of octave jumps played very quickly, hard to do on a bass.  Hopefully we might be getting the help of a jazz head friend of Brians on one or two of the tunes.  I still have alot of work too do,  mixing half of the tracks in Ableton and then coming up with some sort of perfomance sequence on the APC but I reckon it should be abit of fun playin the few tunes with the lads out on the stage once they’re done.  We’re thinking top hats of some sort or some suitably silly attire.  I also did some work during the week on a song I had started some months ago,  track eight ‘black crow’,  still a few lyrics to write and an intro but should be done by the weekend.  I prefer having something new in the set each time I play if possible.

Also did a  good bit of work on the next college unit-String 2.  I’m realizing more and more how much effect orchestration has on a melody.  Something really simply can be made really interesting with some clever arrangement.  That said I’m stills struggling with the occasional clashing harmony in my lines.  Counterpoint with harmony is something I’d like to do alot more practice in so the tunes can  flow smoother.