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Got the band ball rolling again after the winter break. Had few jams with Dermot where we discussed the plans for the next six to twelve months. He’s off workin in Clare till the forth but after that the aim is to stick to three prac sessions a week and sort at least one gig every two weeks from mid February onwards. The time away from the tunes/jams did me a world o’ good as I automatically started hearing changes needed to the set; mostly rhythm structure/edits, more amplification, distortion and clearer emphasis on the chorus’z. We’re also plannin on making an EP for gig promo‘s, hopefully ready by early summer with prob round five of the ten songs.

Got sketch version of track nine finished during the week. Was one of those rare occasions where it all fell into place over a few hours. Tested it out at open mic and beyond abit more practice with the vocal phrasing reckon its good to go for the band. I’ve had some rough ideas for what the last track, numba ten will be but nothing solid enough to test out yet. Twill be great to have the full hours set finished but there’s still alot of work between now and then…