Slighty shorter week this as off to visit folk the morrow plus the regular schedule got bit thrown by havin to do some tax return stuff Wednesday. Had a few jams with the lads durin the week too. Twas first time Eoghain joined us on the keys, great to hear the songs with such a full sound. He also tried abit of banjo on the bottle and the drum which made the whole thing sound less rockabilly and more skiffle/junkyardish. Also had a sit down with Maura to run thru one or two lines on trumpet. I need to record and write out the songs so that I can arrange some melodies for her to play. Not only on the trumpet but hopefully also on glockenspiel and melodica.
Next week I’ll be adding the text for all the project pages on the website, this week I updated the bio and past project pages. By Christmas I should have PDF scores of the latest revision for each song I’m currently workin on available for preview.