The community participation idea for the first music video I hinted at last week is taking longer than I thought. I have it about three quarters drawn in Illustrator (Tis my first time using the program to design something – slow going but making good use of an Essentials course on Should be done by Friday. The plan is to make it part of the first newsletter which might hopefully entice a few folk to sign up.
Work on the next ICM tune got off to a good start this week. Have the drum break and main loop sorted. Used a mix of tuned gongs, steel drums and piano to give it an eerie kinda vibe. I’m not sure yet on how the vocal lines are gonna work. They changed as the song progressed during the week. The rapping lines I originally came up with worked fine but don’t fit the current arrangement. Further messing about needed. I didn’t get a chance to do any more work on the vocal line for the ‘Enter the Dragon’. I might leave all the recording of lyrical stuff till the ten tracks are done as it’ll take some time to set up and do the tracking, not sure of this yet as suppose one or two will need to be finished before then for use on the music video(s). Got fup all done on any of the SO (folk) tunes during the week. Cancelled out on playing at the Lights Off event at the end of the month. Would like more time to get the current songs and set list re-jigged. Also had a chat to Dermot about future band plans. He’s keen to be playing again and sort a few outings in Cork seeing as he living there now. It just makes the regular practice tricky to do. Did Plenty of manoeuvring on the business/management side of things on Saturday. I’ve wanted to sharpen up the workflow for web/design based commissions for a while aswell as having simpler accounts milestones. I’m convinced there’s an easier less stressful way of doing all this stuff…
On the lighter note I begun work on the first of the B-side tunes for the ICM album. The plan with these is to have something quick and cheesy I can upload and post to the community in between the releases of the main tracks themselves (which roughly take months a piece). The first one will titled either ‘the tea-gurglers guide to dub stepping’ or the ‘dub-gurglers guide to tea-stepping’ incorporating as many sounds as I could make while drinking a cup of tea : )