• quotes_text_value: ...there's honey in a jar but the honey aint right, the honey feel funny if the bees don't bite...I 'Luv that the bees don't bite - Honey Bee Sting
  • pf_video_type_value: 1
  • select_booklet_value: 3676
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The newer slower version of Ashes is starting to grow on me, the extra ‘blue’ notes on the chords I originally just played on the intro work with the lyrics and are makin me sing abit differently. It being slower there’s also alot more space for some melody turnarounds and bridges. I’ve also started, yet again, on another version of Black Crow (must be nine or tenth now!). This one has even less pauses and is easier to play, that should be a good sign. Its got a blue’r sound to contrast the Major scale by replacing the DM with a dm during the chorus. This was something I did on a previous version but was used thru out the whole song. Tis only a few bars this time, less is more and what not. Had no time atall last week for working on ICM material, so much for my planned six hours! :P But I am considering trying to get a female vocalist involved. The next two weeks I’ll be putting almost all my production time into getting ready for the video shoot on the weekend of the 21st.

While working on the website commission for Balief Farm Foods I tested out converting the logo to an engraved image. I’d never done this before but after some experimenting and looking up tutorials on the interweb I got a pretty decent attempt. Its more suited to photographs and illustrations with multiple shades and it turned out not to match the background and header for the site but its definitely something I’ll be making use of with other projects. Only 23 hours left get thru with the online Lynda.com course queue I’d started I think last November. Two advanced Illustrator and one Premier elements course to finish by the 7th of October after which I’ll start on an indepth WordPress guide. Busy busy… :)