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Crazy busy week, few commissions starting to overlap which pushed most of the music work into the late hours. Feeling well frazzled as a result. Thinking 36 hrs of R’n’R outside of the studio and some pints should unwind the spring some. I bein having a hard time playing The Old tin Drum on the acoustic lately, actually tis always a bastard to play but more so on that guitar so I went back to practicing with the resonance. Granted its twangy sounding as fuck but I think it suit’s the material better, I like the way it hasn’t got much sustain – more suited to my percussive type of playing. Also when its amplified it suits dampened/harmonic notes better of which the newer version songs have plenty. It is abit harsh thou especially over a set so I need to find a way of maybe overcompensating on the dynamics or some shit so it doesn’t wear people out.

Finally got on to storyboarding the music video for Enter the Dragon, shoot date is pushed back yet again but it’ll happen eventually. Its just as well too as there’s a lot of stuff I gotta get ready beforehand, namely with props and lighting/camera tests (of which tis all new territory for me). Has a chat during the week with John Kiley too, the DJ and gig organizer for Billy Byrnes. Have a rough date for first new electro set teaser gig – Nov 17th : ) Drew up sketches for the third electro song promo poster during the week with which I’ll start laying out in Photoshop during the next and hopefully get back to some electronic music making too…