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I nearly have the outline sketch and source materials sorted for the next WB poster (for the forthcoming new electro tune). In keeping with the previous four posters, and my own preference for general weirdness, the rough idea is a large semi-robotic cellar-spider with a ram skull head and beetle/insect pinchers which is grappling with a Dolores hairless bear. I had thought of doing something to reference the title of the track (a character from the excellent 2012 sci-fi Dredd) but decided the name was enough and to go the make-up-your-own-mind-as-to-what-it-means of the previous material. Granted thou when, if ever, I manage to finish the respective music videos there may be more risk of hidden meaning being divined in the three or four minutes of footage, heaven forbid.

Eleswhere’s it was a quite enough week on the commission front so I had the time to finish off the text for the WB.com portfolio updates aswell as starting work on the website for the digital music course I’m planning on kicking off in Kilkenny in September 2014. I spent a good bit of time going thru minimal templates at codecanyon.net and found a one page theme that near perfectly fit what I had in mind for the project. There’ll be three progressive stages to the site as I see it:

Stage 1 – Set-up, introduction and overview
Stage 2 – Detailed course breakdown
Stage 3 – Ongoing development blog

I still have some text to write and a good few pictures to take, some shots of the Kilkenny skyline as page backgrounds and equipment layouts to give a quick visual idea of the course content but I should have the site up by the start of May. I damndably excited about developing the curriculum for this project, more to come soon :)