Score music

Continuing on from the last (October 2023) post I picked up a few foot percussion and effects pedals to try and improve the sound of the potential live set with, namely the Zoom G1 and V6 SP to vary the guitar tone between songs and…

As I get closer to finishing the first mix of Gallutep I’ve started to flesh out the music video concept I’d been mulling over since I began work on the track back in September (tends to take me between six to ten months to complete…

Having worked thru the first four compositions based on the Brothers Grimm stories (see last blog post for more info) I’ve started to get a better idea of both the limitations and potential of my workhorse orchestral sample libraries. On the plus side there’s a…

Having finished up the few counterpoint and orchestration related online courses at the end of the summer I was keen to get cracking on some composing again. In order to create ‘fake’ projects/briefs for practice material I previously used randomly chosen pages from books as…

Its been relatively quiet on the commission front the last few weeks with two project start dates been pushed back so I had some extra time to finally getting round to drawing up my own contracts. I used some of the links available at Smashing…