I ended up having some extra time this week to finish off the KDMC site (see last weeks post) as a website booking was postponed till early May. I’m very happy with the way the site worked out, particularly the minimal logo and Instagram style…
W.B. Studio
Had feck all time for social media related updates the last few weeks as I was moving the studio up to the third floor of the house. Took alot of hours to set up the new space; drilling shelves, building stands and sorting cabling aswell…
Having come to the realization that I spend a ridiculous (unhealthy) amount of time sitting for the vast majority of the work day I decided in the interests of my lower back and/or possible future chiropractor bills to invest some time now in researching best…
Got a good few bookings made the last week so WB related visual stuff got put on the back burner till things quieten down abit. Not in too much of a rush to get the shop finished anyhow as I’d like to get the latest…
Had a quiet enough week commission wise so I took the opportunity to get a decent bita work done on the upcoming (for a good half year now) online store. Its nearly ready for uploading to the live site, I just have the individual product…
Since getting back to work after the festives I started in on a new series of short courses via alexanderpublishing.com. The series is based around the use of Athur Langes Spectrotone chart in the study of orchestration. Basically every instrument register (and in some cases…
I had hummed and hawed over upgrading to the latest version of Cubase but after installing and testing it out during the week I’m glad I did. As I’d read in reviews the new GUI is abit of a shock at first but the enhanced…
During the week I started work on drawing up a new orchestral MIDI template in preparation for getting back into regular composing/orchestrating in the new year. Blending sections from various sample libraries being the best practice I had considered picking up a copy of East…
During the past week I started laying out the notation for Black Crow via the Cubase score editor. As I have’nt used the score editor for quite some time it took me a while to figure out how to do a few things again such…