Tim Harper

Tim Harper

Bein a busy week of short jams with Dermot and song revisions, ‘End these ways’ has gone thru yet another change as I didnt think the chorus was packing enough punch. A few of the tracks are starting to sound more rounded out with varying…

Was’nt quite the ‘straight into the next project’ after the weekend as I’d imagined as combined with the snow we’ve bein getting since last Friday my studio PC went all special with a virus first thing Monday morning and I had to reformat the windows…

Finished the Craft school site over the weekend and tis been up and live since Sunday eve, there’s still a few pictures to add to the student galleries and I need to run thru the use of wordpress with the course director to get a…

It’s been a week spent working pretty much full-time on the Grennan mill site. I finished the CSS for the last page this afternoon, however there’s still some graphics and text to be changed by the course director and I have to get the student…

Tested out the forth revision of ‘these ways’ with Dermot on Friday, was pretty sure it was gonna fit well with the drums but all the new syncopations made the rhythm too undefined. Did some further checks on Sunday by adding a baseline, certainly sounds…

Halloween gig went down good, it was abit of a DIY set-up as the bands were playing on a dinky PA out back of the pub in a shed facing into a courtyard. Looked pretty rustic in a good way, no monitors but enough reflections…

Nice chillaxed bank holiday with the family but back to business this eve to make up for the short week ahead. Got a solo gig in Fennelly’s in Callan next Saturday alongside Rory with his electronic tricks and another band from dubland. Tis fancy dress…

Still not alot of time lately for much work in the musical way, bein increasing time spent on design over the last few weeks as I draw in on the deadline for the Grennan mill craft school website. There’s almost too much content to play…

Was a bit of short notice but Dermot and myself played a half hour support slot on sat night for the T-town bottle stoppers in Billy Byrnes in Kilkenny. Only had the three days to get a set prepared before hand. Was great to be…

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