Had cracker time playing and attending the gig in Ballybur castle. A mighty big thanx to Mick and Colm for inviting me down. Place and set-up looked well swish. The gigs were in a large room at the top of the castle and with big…
Playing a gig next weekend at Ballybur castle in Cuffsgrange, Co. Kilkenny. Unfortunately Rory’s playing his own set the same sat night in Tommytown and Dermots only just back from playing with the Dukesbox so its gonna be a solo’fied occasion. Should be a well…
Had a mighty technical week. Lots of boring but necessary studio stuff. Started building a new orchestral template in Cubase while keeping an eye on system resources. Trying to get as much as I can fit in without RAM going over 80%-90%. Next year I’ll make…
As cheesy a title as it sounds for a song it is nonetheless song number nine. It’s being a right bastard to finish. I’ve gone thru a good few chord variations and can’t seem to settle on a progression for the chorus. Hopefully a few…
A short one last week after bein at a mates weddin. Have the work planned out for the live rig dance set over the next month and a half. Its gonna take a while to export all the old song track mixes from Cubase and…
Got some good pics at the Gig in Offally. Dermot brought up a collection of suits and hats for us to wear, we looked pretty countryafied. I’ll be using some of the shots for the next home page banner. It was great to get a…
A rightly productive week last week twas. Bein trying to get myself back in shape for doing some illustration mock ups for the short stories. It’s bein yonks that I’ve done much sketching. I reckon a few months of abit of life drawing each day…
The custom keyboard is nearly done; got two of the three circuit boards mounted to the perspex tops, the modulation and pitch wheels proved abit tricky but got em sorted after abit of brainstorming. I’ve started mulling over a few design ideas of what to…
Started in on the course last week, is feckin class, QuickTime interviews and lectures are well handy. The majority of the printed scores to study is material by John Williams and Howard Blake (dude who wrote the snowman). I gotta notate a score in PDF…