After another large bout of re-oraganzing this week as I had to jiggify around the work order to accomadate more commission and course work time within each day. Also started in on two new website commissions, one for an online sports programme yolk and the…
W.B. Studio
Started on the Berklee Topspin course today, unfor gonna miss the student online meet n’ greet as at GMT it falls at 3am. Will try make the next group chat with a large pot of coffee. The new site is slowly rolling out. Ive updated…
Started in on the Abelton, Native Control CL3 and Minak manuals last week. Been a while since I bein messin about with Live and its great to finally start to understand the concepts behind it. The possibilities of the warp feature alone on samples is…
Still having some problems moving the site over too the new host, largely due to the fact that I haven’t yet figured out how to export the WordPress database in the format required by the new host to easily import it once the site is…
Trying to re-adjust the brain around the week after the double bank holiday Mondays, gotta get me back to some sort of schedule. Also disgusted too say I hardly played/practiced guitar atall last week, nor any jams with Dermot. Tomorrow thou should get two hours…
Gig in Ryan’s last night went down pretty good, not as tight as some of the jams durin the week but the few changes we’d made with the songs I think made for a better show. It was nice to be playing outside and Brain…
Back to amplified practice with Dermot last night, we got a few more jams planned during the week before a gig in Ryans next Sunday evenin. Also gotta get mo practice in fo gigs in Billy Byrnes and Riellys the next month and in early…
Was hard to catch up on the hour going forward last weekend, the mini jet lag. Finally back on track with the college units schedule thou. Unit 7 Soundcloud link is below. I had alota fun writing lines using the brass crescendo effects patch from…
Mighty busy week running up to the gig, got pretty weird at times workin and prac the five days straight. Was feelin the force with the cabin fever frm the last two weeks so I took Fri/Sat off. The gig went good, but even thou…