Tim Harper

Tim Harper

Ended up ditching the whole V3.0 website idea I was working on and went for a much more minimal layout. There’s not as much pictures or textures but the focus is more on the content itslef. I’m still having a good bit of trouble with…

Started in on the Abelton, Native Control CL3 and Minak manuals last week. Been a while since I bein messin about with Live and its great to finally start to understand the concepts behind it. The possibilities of the warp feature alone on samples is…

Mighty busy week, erectile twas practicing everynight out in Dermots in preparation for gig during Happy Valley Festival, remedy made a lot of progress with the set so far as timings and dynamics go, mighty tired after it all now thou. The set went down…

Still having some problems moving the site over too the new host, largely due to the fact that I haven’t yet figured out how to export the WordPress database in the format required by the new host to easily import it once the site is…

Hotdowndiggiddy! – finished the last Happy Valley site and print edits today. Twas great working with the two girls, ended up with an overall look I wouldn’t have gotten on me own. I’ll have some shots of the posters, brochures and tickets up on the…

Trying to re-adjust the brain around the week after the double bank holiday Mondays, gotta get me back to some sort of schedule. Also disgusted too say I hardly played/practiced guitar atall last week, nor any jams with Dermot. Tomorrow thou should get two hours…

Gig in Ryan’s last night went down pretty good, not as tight as some of the jams durin the week but the few changes we’d made with the songs I think made for a better show. It was nice to be playing outside and Brain…

Back to amplified practice with Dermot last night, we got a few more jams planned during the week before a gig in Ryans next Sunday evenin. Also gotta get mo practice in fo gigs in Billy Byrnes and Riellys the next month and in early…

Good bit of office sorting and studio maintenance the last two days. Boring but essential off-site backups and accounts/book keeping. Also back’d dup up the WordPress blog in preparation for the move to the new host. Things may get abit weird on the site for…

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